Monday, 16 May 2011

Puking and counting

So I puked on my mommy again today... on 4 different occasions this morning.  I think I am starting to cause her to stress out because I seem to be puking a lot.  We'll have to inform the doctors on Monday and see what they say. 

My D50 was decreased to 2 this morning, unfortunately I puked a few times before my first glucose test and was down to 4.  My test at 2:30 put me back up to 5.8.  They are attributing the drop to my puking episode.  Nurse Jackie warned us that we will have to watch real close once they wean me off the D50 to make sure that my sugar levels are still okay especially if I keep puking.

Mommy has been upset the whole day as I haven't poohed since last night.  As you all know, I am quite the pooh machine so the lack of it on the outside of me is unusual.   She is hoping everything is okay, and has reported it to my nurse.

I had a lot of visitors today.  My 2 grandmas came to see me around lunch time.  This is my sleepy time and was in the midst of a nice deep nap.  Presents were given to me from my Gramma Reimer; mommy showed me tonight and I am excited to wear my new outfits and play with my toy!

My cool uncle Brian came to see me with Paige.  I like her as she is the only other girl other than mommy who hasn't tried to poke me or stuff things down my nose!  I am just so used to all the nurses doing those things to me!  I woke up and had a nice visit with them.  Mommy tried to pawn my diaper changes off on my Uncle but he would have nothing to do with it.  I am thankful that mommy caved and changed me!  No pooh yet.

On to my next visit with my Grandpa Reimer, Wayne and Great Uncle John.  I went sound to sleep! Great Uncle John stayed with me so that Mommy and Daddy could get out and have some dinner away from the hospital.  I was good and slept through the whole thing.

We have pooh!  Mommy is soooo happy!!

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