Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Off my sugar high.. On to modelling

I have been taken off all my sugar solution and am just on the specialized formula.  The Dr.s and nurses will monitor my sugar levels very closely for the next few days to make sure it doesn't drop.  So far my glucose was 5.1 this morning, the next glucose check is at 2:30pm and will give us a better indication where it lies.  If my sugars stay consistent over the next few days, they will cap my central line and eventually take it out.  They don't want to leave it in longer than I need it, as they are prone to become infected, and that's the last thing I want to add to myself.

Something called "The Occupational Therapist" will be in to see me sometime today.  As we found out from Andrew Rutledge, these people are not here to find me a job, as their name may suggest... they are apparently people who evaluate sucking and swallowing reflexes.  They will evaluate me feeding from a bottle to see how I do and how my blood gases and sugar is effected.  My mommy is extremely scared for this as the only thing I did before I started this roller coaster was eat myself to sleep, which eventually ended up in my acidosis.

As you all know I had my "modeling" session yesterday.

Jennifer Wessels was the photographer. She has a professional photography company, and is starting to do some work for an organization called "Helping Hearts".
"Helping Hearts is a project created by Melissa Knowles & Michelle Regner with the goal of being able to provide free photography sessions for families with children who are suffering a life-altering illness or disability. Over the last couple of years we have acquired an entire team of photographers who are dedicated to donating their time to Helping Hearts because they believe in sharing the gift of photography with as many families as possible." Their website is http://helping-hearts.ca/#/home/

It was a fantastic experience for me, my mom and dad.

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