Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Introduction to Occupational Therapy

Hi All, Ethan again.

We made the big move yesterday and are now happy roommates again with our old pal Emerson.  This has helped to reduce stress levels in both the Reimer and Rutledge camps.  The only scary part of the move is that the previous room occupant was "in isolation" and apparently we are not supposed to touch the curtains in the room as they haven't been cleaned.  The room also has this creepy wood paneling and a chair/bed that smells like rotten fish.

I am still puking, and since I am off my D50 when I do I have to have extra glucose checks to make sure my sugar levels do not go dangerously low... This adds up to extra heel pokes.  The Dr.s are a little concerned by my puking episodes, however they seem to understand the reasons I may be doing it.

The Occupational Therapist was in today to see me.  We tried all sorts of exercises to assess my head control, reflexes, alertness and tone.  She will read over my history as well to make a decision on whether or not I should try to take some formula from a bottle today.  She will be back in the afternoon after she makes her decision.  In addition to possible bottle feeds, I am also getting an updated formula that uses similac and MTC oil.

Now I know all the books, magazines, and experts say that babies only smile because they have gas.  Well, although I can't say I'm gas free, I do smile from time to time just because I'm content! 

My night was fairly good.  Dad slept at my side and our neighbours are the friendliest and quietest we've had during our stay at Mac.  Since noise wasn't going to wake me tonight, I decided instead that I would have some sleepy poops and wake my self up! 

All in all, we're still making great strides on the road I call life.  Thank you all so much for your continued support and prayer.  I need to take a moment though and ask you all to think and pray again for another.  My roommate Emerson is still having seizures.  We feel so much for him and his parents and are with them every step of the way along this journey.  Please include him in your prayers for us.

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