Friday, 13 May 2011


My lactate level was down to 2.5 with this mornings blood work.  They are continuing with the plan of weaning me off of the D50.  This time it will go down by 0.5 every 12 hours.  I am currently at 4 ml/hr and they are checking my glucose level to make sure that it doesn't go too low, so far I have had my 30 minute and an hour check and the glucose level was 4.8 both times.  They will check again at 2:30.

Nurse Debbie is off today so I have a new daytime nurse.  Who has managed to bleed me like a bleeder person, lost my formula and my D50 solution.  Dr. Potter and Amy came by and when my parents told them about the lack of organization Dr. Potter excused himself to go bust some heads, and Amy took Dad to show him where everything was kept so mommy and daddy can keep tabs on them.

Just had a visit from Emerson and his parents!  They just received a prescription to take Emerson out for a walk... yes 'prescription'.... We are very proud of him, as he has made great progress this week, keep it up Emer we are rooting for you chunky monkey!

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