Yes, as you have no doubt guessed, I'm writing this to you from the comfort and safety of my bassinet snuggled between my mommy and daddy in their very own bed. We're home on a LOA pass!!!
Here's how it all went down.
On Thursday morning mommy was having a really rough week and asked daddy if he could take over. Dad was at work but was able to shuffle a few things around and relieve mom for some much needed re-charge time. Dad came down at lunch time and brought along some work to keep caught up.
Once dad was settled in he had an idea. He started to plant the notion in the team's minds that maybe we should try some time at home! The pediatric doctor covering the floor this week thought it was a great idea! They discussed the issues with my meds, feeding, and broviac tube and ultimately decided it should be no problem!
Thursday night came and grandpa Reimer was able to stay for the night to let dad go home and back to the office the next morning to grab some more work to do over the weekend. While dad was working out the details, mom was at home basking in the recently cleaned house. As it happens, Grandma Reimer has snuck over to our house and cleaned like the dickens! Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa Reimer, you've certainly made this week a lot smoother!
Friday came and went with yet more details and discussion about my escape. Then Saturday morning! My LOA (leave of absence) was approved! My meds for 36 hours arrived in brown paper bag and a big bottle of feed was promptly delivered to our room. Mommy drove down first thing in the morning with the car seat and all the pieces we're in place. We said our goodbyes to the nurses and off we went.
The car ride home put me to sleep but it was such a nice feeling to be outside, the sun on my little face, the wind passing through an open window to my left, my dad watching over me. It was a magical moment. We drove to the Mcdonalds on the 401 where mom and dad stopped for breakfast. Mom had pancakes, dad had a McGriddle and I had some formula by the syringe! My first McDonalds trip!
We got home shortly after 10 am and I finished the rest of my 10am feeding and was sitting comfy in my new swing that my Grandma Philp spoiled me with. We also sat on the couch in the loft and watched kitchen nightmares on rogers on demand - oh that Gordon Ramsy, what a card.

Now the only catch to feeding me is that the hospital policies prevent equipment, like my pump, from leaving the hospital. No one else will be using it in my absence, but policy is policy. Now community access has pumps, but they can't provide them to you until you're officially discharged. So..... How do I eat you ask? Well my loving and patient parents have to push 65 mls of formula through my tube slowly over an hour. EVERY 3 HOURS! Not fun, but they do it because they care :)
While home we went for a walk to the marble slab creamery. Mom tried on the baby bjorn carrier that Grandma Reimer found for us and it worked great! We had a great walk and returned home to get more food going. As we sat and ate lunch, we watched poker on TV - somehow I think I'm going to like that game!
Later for dinner we all sat upstairs watching the movie Role Models. Mom and dad enjoyed a home cooked meal while daddy pushed gently on my syringes. What a nice time we had!
As evening approached, mom and dad worked out who would take which overnight feed. It's 4:40am and dad is half asleep but still pushing food in me :)
We go back to Mac around noon on Sunday...Dr. Kozenko is off call and Dr. Potter is back on call on Monday. We'll get an update on the goals hopefully on Monday.
Thank you all again for your love and prayers! And a special thank you also to Scott Nosal, dad's boss, without him, this weekend would not have been possible!
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