I crawled up the ramp 4 times all by myself! Pam was holding the creases of my knees to make sure I didn't fall backward, but I did all the forward propelling motion all by myself. Pam told me last time that I should be practicing crawling up a ramp because there's less gravity weight coming down on me. She was right it's much easier to figure this out on a ramp than on a flat surface! Put me on a flat surface and I get all angry.
Mommy took a video of the second time I crawled up. By the 4th time I was just like Alain Robert! Mommy tells me he's the French Spider Man (A fast climber!)

The only comment Pam made was that my ankles are weak, so mommy has to go and get big boy shoes for me so I can practice standing with shoes on to try to gain more confidence in cruising.
All in all Pam was extremely proud of me today!
Ethan, I am so proud of you crawling up the ramp! You made me so happy watching you!! Love Grandma.