Friday, the day arrived for my weigh in. Grandma told Mommy that she was going to come with us to make sure Mommy didn't "lose it" if I got a bad result. Ha, so much faith in me!
We checked in to the Children's Outpatient Clinic at Grand River Hospital, and waited for Lynn, my dietician to arrive. As we were waiting, Patty, one of the nurses came over to talk to me. I haven't seen her in a few months, and it was nice to "talk" to her again without her having a giant needle in hand to stab my head!
Lynn arrived and showed us to a room where this was going to happen! Mommy undressed me while Lynn retrieved the scale. I was placed on the scale for scrutiny! I absolutely hate this part, and began screaming at the top of my lungs as soon as I sat down. My result rang in and I had gained 3 oz. SOMEHOW. Mommy and Grandma were extremely surprised because I have been eating LESS than before my last weigh in. How could this be? I guess stranger things have happened. It was agreed that my formula concentration should change a bit, so now it's 3.5 scoops of formula to make 6 oz instead of just 3 scoops. So over the day I will get 72 more calories. Lynn said just a little could make all the difference. So we'll try this and my next weigh in has been scheduled for the end of June. Upon leaving, Patty made a joke about how I likely knew I was being judged today and saved up all my poo just for today! Hmmm...
As a reward Mommy decided to take me to McDonalds, you see because I love FRIES! Yum Yum! I even tried a few little pieces of Grandma's chicken nuggets. I didn't seem to mind as long as I was given the side to touch with the crunchy batter!
McDonalds |
After McDonalds my Mommy had to get everything ready for us to go to a wedding this weekend. My Aunt Heather (Mommy has been friends with her since Grade 7) was getting married on Saturday to Sean and Mommy was the Maid of Honour. Or I guess in this case MATRON.. Mommy doesn't like this word as it makes her sound old. So MAID it is! Daddy was going to be my keeper at the wedding. HELP ME!
We got to Newmarket Friday evening and we were lucky enough to stay with friends that flew in from Vancouver! Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Rudkin x2! ;)
I was put to bed, although I had plans of my own and did not fall alseep until 3:30am. I was playing on the bed learning new tricks! The morning came early has Mommy had to be at Heather's hotel room at 7:30am for hair and makeup application. I was lucky she was nice enough not to yell at me in the morning.
Wedding day came and I got to see my Auntie get married FINALLY! I would've been a lot happier but it was hot outside and I desperately needed a nap. I was happy to hear that the Bride's sister, Louise had come by in the morning and turned on the air conditioning in the hall to something resembling freezer cool! I guess it takes a Mommy to know these things!
While pictures were being taken Mommy informed Daddy that he should take me for a drive in the air conditioned car where I'd likely fall asleep, then he could bring my car seat into the hall if I was still sleeping.
This next part angers Mommy, so I am going to say this as a whisper.....
Mommy came out of the hall at one point and saw Daddy talking to a group of people while my car seat was beside him. Remember Saturday, it was 35 with the humid x... Why was I sitting there in the hot hot sun? Mommy took a peak at me and saw that I was sleeping, covered in a heat rash and my cheeks were red red. Mommy calmly yelled at Daddy and said she was taking me into the hall. She put me beside the head table where I finished the rest of my nap in the air conditioned hall. *sigh*
Dinner began and I was so irritable. I did not want to sit down or be held. Remember, I was being held all day and hadn't had the chance to scoot anywhere. I was lucky I had Tabitha (1 of the bridesmaids), she had an iphone and downloaded Katy Perry. I sat content on mommy's lap with Tabitha's iphone in front of my watching Katy Perry sing and dance oblivious to what was actually going on around me! I was soooo happy in Katy Perryland!
Daddy delivered his speech on Mommy's behalf and people thought he was funny. This is why she didn't make Daddy feel worse about leaving me to char like a piece of bacon outside in the heat! He would have made her speak in front of 90 people and she would have died.
Unfortunately as the evening rolled on, my Katy Perry left me and I was unhappy again and needed to go to bed, so we had to make it an earlier night than we had anticipated. But all in all I enjoyed my time at my first wedding!
Sunday we got back into town and my rash covered my legs, feet, arms, ears and bum. I am not bothered by it but it looks really bumpy! On top of my heat rash, I am sooooooooooooo CONSTIPATED! I haven't pooped in 5 days! I keep trying and I grunt and hunch over.. I even tried side sitting but nothing was working. Daddy gave me a warm bath to ease my pimples in my bum (TMI I know but hey!) while mommy pumped my tummy full of water... The only blessing for this stupid PEGasaurous! At 8pm I finally had a poo. It hurt so bad but it was finally out. It was glorious! It was the size of my foot. Yuck!
Last night I finally had a nice uninterrupted sleep. My first in a week.