On May 17, I was at my Grandma's getting ready to go swimming when all of a sudden my mommy looks down at me AND.............
Yes folks, you see that correctly... I am isolating my fingers, meaning I am pointing at stuff! The photo is a little blurry because Mommy was so excited and had to capture photographic evidence to show my daddy before I stopped! However, my grandma was smart and gave me my Disney book and my Grandma shouted "Look! He's pointing all over the place!"

My drinking is going well so far. My parents haven't used my tube in just over a month. However, I was just taken to the clinic and I have lost about 13 oz in that month, which is almost a pound. Sooooo, we're not too sure if I'm doing perfect yet, as there were many variables within that month. I will be taken back in 2 weeks for my weigh in to make sure I haven't lost anymore. Please cross your fingers and toes for me that in 2 weeks I weigh a little more! My solids are still a fight, but apparently my feeding team says that it may not seem like it, but I am making great progress with my eating, and that it's almost unheard of at how fast I caught onto the liquid portion of feeding. Apparently it usually takes years for kids to wean off the tube. Right now I will only eat things that are hard and crunchy. Soda crackers, cheerios, infant puffs, popcorn, all bran bars, fries, and sometimes toast with margarine. I am still eating my cheddar cheese, and recently have added Mini-go (which is an infant yogurt) to my palate.
Now that we got that ugly necessity out of the way, I can talk about my newest trick! Sitting up!
Yes folks, I CAN use my arms to do something more than just wave hi/bye!
I was screaming one night for about 5 minutes and no one was coming to get me, so I screamed louder! Finally my dad came in in the dark and tried to pet my head back to sleep. Well he couldn't find my head! He turned on the light and yelled for my mommy to come into my room. My mom burst through the door thinking that something was wrong! And there I was sitting in the middle of my crib crying my eyes out! They didn't know whether to laugh or cry with pride!
Days passed and I sat up in bed a few more times, but not when people were looking! So finally my mommy got smart and sat in my room with camera in hand:
What a great thing to read (Ethan's sitting up) and I LOVED watching that little video. You guys are an inspiring parental unit. You have my love.