Just thought I'd give you an update on how I am fairing at daycare, which mommy calls "my school".
When I was warned that I would get sick more often, I laughed it off and said I'm ready! I've had a cold for the past 2 weeks! Oh these babies and their snot sharing!
I have 3 ladies that take care of me in the room: Shelby, Betty and Mila.They tell mommy and daddy that I am adjusting well! Napping still seems to be my greatest issue, if only because I'm sick and I keep coughing myself awake. This past Friday, Mommy finally was able to pick me up.

When Mommy got there I was the last kid there. Mommy was thinking "What kind of job do these parents have that can pick kids up early!". Oh well, I was happy that I got some quiet time with my School ladies.
Betty and Mila told mommy that I had my best day there yet! Betty said that I seemed to be interested in this toddler car thing that you walk in. So she had put me in and I was tooting all over the pace happy that I was able to move by myself, well as by myself as being in a car could let me. I was the most vocal they have seen me yet. Mommy wasn't sure what that meant as I am usually sounding up a storm. She's hoping I start my vowels and consonants soon!
The ladies told mommy they were impressed that I clean up my toys after myself. Mommy said that she is making sure she teaches me young so I won't be like daddy! Mila said that she usually does not like carrying kids around because she has a bad back, but she loves carrying me everywhere just to touch my hair and talk to me!
My days with Grandma are quiet and are a nice break from the commotion at school. Grandma has been teaching me to get down using my knees. So instead of flopping back down on my bum I now fall down on my knees. I now am frequently seen with bruises on my knees, but at least it's a safer way to get down. I just don't seem to get "squatting" yet.
Mike and Bev Moorhouse surprised me last weekend with a sand turtle! I am excited for daddy to put it together so I can finally try it out! Pictures will follow in a later post.
I got my second hair cut tonight! Check me out!
On the medical side of things there's not too much to report. My cold has made it difficult for me to drink my sippys, but I hear this happens to the "normals" too. However, I'm being judged for weight every 3 weeks, so there's some added pressure for me to keep eating. I report to my pediatrician in a couple of weeks for my 16 month check up. Should be fun!