Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Halloween Update

 I am still puking every morning at my 6am feeding. Mommy was worried about me as I am being fed less than my required amount of calories AND I am puking up. As you remember my doctor believes that it is due to my increased calorie count that I am stabilizing. So less calories means yucky blood chemistry numbers.

 Mommy took me to the GRH outpatient clinic to get my blood work last Monday. The nurses informed us that they can not do scalp veins any more as I am older and they start to disappear. So here comes Mr. Tourniquet! The first lady couldn't find any veins, so they called up a second lady. She has done me before without too much horror, albeit when I was much littler than I am now. She found ONE vein in my arms. ONE, well here goes all or nothing.

pH: 7.37
Bicarb: 23
Lac: 1.8

Weight: 8.39 kg

Hmmm... what? I don't get it either folks! Mommy thinks that maybe I am getting way too much food in the first place because I've been gaining like a beast! I am supposed to be gaining 10-13 g / day and the last 2 weeks I've gained 27g / day.  Phone call to my dietician.

Hmmmm what? She says that I'm actually taking less now than an infant my age is supposed to and I'm still gaining twice the amount. Mommy's taking me in to be weighed again on Wednesday. It's all mathematics and science....

Daddy called Mac and found out that my ECHO results were normal.

We're also still waiting for my Barium Swallow Test results to be sent to us. Hopefully they will arrive in the mail this week. In the meantime as a reward for not getting pneumonia , I have started on a few spoons a day of rice cereal. Apparently the results of the swallow test were still not great, however the consistency of rice cereal has been deemed the lesser of the evils for me.

Infant Development will be assessing me on Friday to see where my development percentile is for 6 months. Cathy my physio did a preliminary assessment of just my gross motor skills last week and scored me at just under the 25th percentile. We'll see how my other skills stack up!

Check out my Halloween costumes!
I did not like this one!

So I wore my pajamas instead!

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